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MakeWay Charitable Society
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MakeWay Charitable Society
Shared Platform Overhead Consultation
Informational Materials
Overhead Consultation Session Presentations
Overhead Consultation Session Presentations
Session Two Presentation
- November 24, 2021
MakeWay New Hire Process
How can I get involved?
Overhead Model Review Background
Context of Review
Informational Materials
Overhead Brief
Financial Reality Loom
Environmental Scan Loom
Shared Platform Overhead Model Summaries
Charity Operating Costs Summary
MakeWay New Hire Process
Overhead Consultation Session Presentations
How can I get involved?
What if I can’t attend the consultation sessions?
Will the overhead be increasing?
How much influence will projects have on this decision?
What could some of the additional shared platform supports look like?
What are you doing to further funder advocacy around ‘one application per entity’ policies?
How much do projects really use in the way of supports? Would it be cheaper to run the shared platform if it wasn’t aligned with MakeWay Foundation?
Has MakeWay considered offering a menu of supports for projects to pick and choose from?
Can we see a breakdown of which projects use which supports?
Where does revenue that MakeWay Foundation raises go?
How was MakeWay doing before the pandemic? What about costs like the audit?
Are there sustainable shared platform models out there that we can borrow from?
What about the operations and admin that projects have to do outside of what MakeWay does?
How can I give more feedback on the supports I receive?
Shared Platform Overhead Proposed Models
Mixed Rate -Infographic
Tiered Rate - Infographic
Comparison of Overhead Models - Infographic
Proposed Overhead Models Brief
Last Updated
Nov 24, 2021
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