What about the operations and admin that projects have to do outside of what MakeWay does?
While the shared platform is designed to relieve the administrative burden for projects, there are still certain administrative and operational responsibilities that projects to need to undergo. For example, we need you to submit and code expenses in Concur, prepare annual budgets, track your fundraising and PPDDA hours and engage with various forms and processes. We are always transparent with new projects that “in-house” administrative capacity is required, and it is a key criteria for bringing on new projects. Sector estimates of the actual average overhead costs of charities range from 20% to 30% (Blumberg has done a lot of research on this, in addition to MakeWay’s comparison of charity operating costs). MakeWay strongly believes that even with the additional admin costs that projects cover themselves (largely incorporated in Project Director time), projects still experience significantly lower overhead costs than the alternative of running a charity.