How to complete Lobbying Registration and Activity Reports - Projects
- Overview of form
- Registered Lobbyists Completing a No Activity Report
- Registered Lobbyist Reporting Activity in BC
- Registered Lobbyist Reporting Federal Activity
- Registered Lobbyist Updating Their Registration – BC
- Registered Lobbyist Updating Their Registration – Federal
- New Lobbyist Registering in BC
- New Lobbyist Registering Federally
- Reporting Activity in Other Jurisdictions
- Reporting Gifts to BC POH
- Is one person from the Project required to report every month whether there is monthly lobbying activity?
- Is the team delegate reporting all lobbying on behalf of the team, or only gifts on behalf of the team (w/ individual team members filling out the lobbying section themselves?
- Can you expand upon what is meant by Indigenous government in the “Lobbying in Other Jurisdictions” section of the online reporting tool? (copied)
- If I've been registered for a long time, where can I see what I'm currently registered for, i.e., how do I update that?