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MakeWay Charitable Society
Lobbying in BC
If a public office holder in the BC government buys an event ticket at the same or higher price as the public, it is not a gift, correct?
If a public office holder in the BC government buys an event ticket at the same or higher price as the public, it is not a gift, correct?
Correct, no gift to be declared
Does the $100 total for gifts to BC public office holders refer to each public office holder or to all public office holders?
Does simply hosting a meeting with BC government in attendance (without providing food) count as a gift? (copied)
Federal Level
Four underlying principles
The Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
What is lobbying?
What is not lobbying?
Who is lobbied?
What is grass-roots communication?
When is a monthly communication report required?
On the federal level do we need to report on all communications with federal bureaucrats, or only ones at a specific senior level?
Lobbying in BC
General information
Office of the Registrar of Lobbyist (ORL) BC Guidance
Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists British Columbia FAQs
What level of details will be publicly available from our BC lobbying activities report?
What is lobbying?
What is NOT lobbying?
Is there a penalty if we report something that is not BC lobbying activity?
Do all forms of communications count as lobbying?
Who is a “public office holder”?
Does a public office holder in BC also include members of the civil service?
Who is a “senior public office holder”?
Why does it matter whether they are a public office holder or a senior public office holder?
Arranging a meeting
My organization endorsed or signed on to a letter written by another organization that is registered to lobby in BC. The content of the letter qualifies as a lobbying activity. Does my organization need to register this activity?
Who is expected to report about BC lobbying activities within a coalition?
Regarding BC lobbying rules around coalitions, what if we make a grant to a coalition? Is that considered lobbying that we need to report?
Do we need to provide mailing address or email address of every member of the coalition?
If already registered but now part of a new coalition, do you have to now fill this in even though already registered?
Does the registration info have to be updated every time a new member joins that Coalition?
We are a membership-based network. How do we get consent from our members, so that they understand we will have an obligation to report in BC?
Provincial Entities
What is the threshold for lobbying in BC?
With regard to the exemption on providing "information" only, is there any restriction on the type of information that can be provided?
Where can we find the"Who's Lobbying Who" reports so we can see lobbying activities that other organizations have or expect to carry out in BC?
If the Province of BC is party to a formal MOU to jointly operate a program, and expenses are managed by a non-government org., can you confirm that reimbursing program costs (e.g., travel) is not a gift because it is a cost of a gov. program?
How do the new rules for lobbying in BC apply to partnerships with government?
If a MWCS project gives a grant to an organization and activities under that grant include lobbying in BC, does that get captured and have to be reported under the BC lobbying rules?
Do volunteers need to register and report as lobbyists in BC?
What are the three key elements of the LTA regarding gifts?
What is considered a gift?
What are some examples of gifts given or promised “under the protocol or social obligations that normally accompany the duties or responsibilities of office of the public office holder”?
Once gifts from a lobbyist to a public office holder they are lobbying exceed $100 in value, when can another gift be given or promised to that public office holder?
How is the value of a gift calculated?
How is the value of a gift calculated for a guest of a public office holder?
When more than one public office holder is invited, how should the value of hospitality for each public office holder be calculated and declared by each lobbyist?
If an in-house lobbyist from another MWCS project is lobbying an invited POH, does the gift prohibition apply to the POH even though the lobbyist has no knowledge or influence on the invitation?
Gifts promised and gifts given
With regards to BC lobbying rules around gifts, does it make a difference if refreshments are available buffet-style and the public office holder just helps themselves?
What if one project lobbies a BC public office holder and then another project gives that person a gift as a friend?
Does the $100 total for gifts to BC public office holders refer to each public office holder or to all public office holders?
If a public office holder in the BC government buys an event ticket at the same or higher price as the public, it is not a gift, correct?
Does simply hosting a meeting with BC government in attendance (without providing food) count as a gift? (copied)
MWCS Gift Database
What if an event has two ticket types, free for the public or at-cost for BC public office holders?
Does something as simple as sending a thank you card to a BC public office holder or MLA need to be reported?
If we have a workshop with BC government staff should we avoid providing food?
Invitations sent to BC POH: If we invite all of caucus but only half show up, do we have to apply a portion of the event to those MLAs that didn't attend?
Has MakeWay given gifts to public office holders?
Has MakeWay given any gifts that are prohibited?
Lobbying in Ontario
What is lobbying?
What communication activities do not require registration?
Who is a public office holder?
What is meant by 50 hours per year in reference to in-house lobbyists?
Lobbying in the Yukon
What is lobbying?
Who is a public office holder?
The difference between advocacy and lobbying
Reporting periods
Lobbying in Toronto
What is Lobbying?
Who is a Public Office Holder?
Are we tracking municipal lobbying as well?
If I met with a City Councillor in Toronto, would I need to report this in the tracking tool?
Is there a threshold to register in Toronto?
Lobbying in Ottawa
Do I need to register every time I speak with City Staff or a Member of Council?
When are my activities considered lobbying?
Do I need to register as a lobbyist before I contact a public office holder?
Code of Conduct
Is there a threshold to register?
How to complete Lobbying Registration and Activity Reports - Projects
Overview of form
Registered Lobbyists Completing a No Activity Report
Registered Lobbyist Reporting Activity in BC
Registered Lobbyist Reporting Federal Activity
Registered Lobbyist Updating Their Registration – BC
Registered Lobbyist Updating Their Registration – Federal
New Lobbyist Registering in BC
New Lobbyist Registering Federally
Reporting Activity in Other Jurisdictions
Reporting Gifts to BC POH
Is one person from the Project required to report every month whether there is monthly lobbying activity?
Is the team delegate reporting all lobbying on behalf of the team, or only gifts on behalf of the team (w/ individual team members filling out the lobbying section themselves?
Can you expand upon what is meant by Indigenous government in the “Lobbying in Other Jurisdictions” section of the online reporting tool? (copied)
If I've been registered for a long time, where can I see what I'm currently registered for, i.e., how do I update that?
Last Updated
Jul 27, 2022
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