Communicable Disease Policy

Department People Engagement and Learning
Policy No. (or n/a)
Name Communicable Disease Prevention
Review Frequency
1 year 
Approved By  Management
Effective Date  June 22, 2022 Dated:


1.01 The purpose of this Statement of Policy and Procedure is to minimize health risks to employees by preventing the spread of communicable illness atMakeWay workplaces.

1.02 To achieve the purpose, MakeWay will provide flexible working arrangements, information, and direction to employees to allow them to make decisions that are best for their health and that of their co-workers.

1.03 This policy must be used in conjunction with all other applicable health and safety legislation and government guidelines.


2.01 This policy applies to all MakeWay Foundation and MakeWay Charitable Society (together MakeWay) workplaces other than home office. For greater clarity, it applies to anywhere MakeWay employees regularly work other than their homes:offices, meeting rooms, program locations, event locations, etc.(Workplaces)

2.02 A communicable disease is an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxic product that can be transmitted in a Workplace from one person to another. Examples of communicable diseases that may circulate in a Workplace include COVID-19 and seasonal influenza.

2.03 This policy applies to all diseases caused by pathogenic biologic agents; however, the focus is on airborne respiratory illness as these are the most common in Workplaces.


3.01 Employees Who May Be Contagious 

Employees who are experiencing symptoms of a communicable disease or who have been in close contact with someone experiencing symptoms should not report to work, as they may infect others. Each communicable disease has its own specific signs and symptoms. General signs and symptoms common to a number of communicable diseases include:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Coughing

Employees must exercise their judgement and call in if they are experiencing symptoms or have been in close contact with someone experiencing symptoms by notifying their supervisor and recording the time off in Dayforce. When able to, an ill employee may request to work from home rather than in the Workplace. 

Employees should only return to the Workplace when they are no longer symptomatic or when a medical professional has certified that they are no longer contagious. 

Employees in close contact with an ill person, such as a child or other family member, should avoid entering a Workplace if possible

3.02 Prevention of Transmission of Microorganisms

Employees and clients of MakeWay may be exposed to pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, and other microbes that can cause infection and disease. 

Transmission of microorganisms can be caused by contact transmission from hands (direct) or objects (indirect), droplet transmission from coughing or sneezing, or airborne transmission from the inhalation of organisms surviving in air for long periods of time. 

Other routes of entry for infection include:

  • Injection
  • Inhalation
  • Ingestion
  • Contact with the skin, eyes, or nose.

While it may not be possible for MakeWay to completely eliminate all routes of entry for infections, employees share a responsibility to follow safe work procedures and practices to mitigate the risk of infection.

Following routine practices helps protect both the employees and clients of MakeWay from pathogens. Consistent practices must be used at all times with all persons, as someone could be infected but be asymptomatic.

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is one of the most important measures in preventing the transmission of communicable diseases. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

MakeWay will implement a hand hygiene program that incorporates the following elements:

  • Provides employees with the ability to wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer when working with a client
  • Provides education to employees about how and when to wash their hands
  • Provides employees with hand sanitizer which is compatible with hand hygiene products to help maintain the skin’s integrity
  • Ensures that client hand hygiene is also supported.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE creates a physical barrier that protects an employee’s own tissue from exposure to infectious materials and from transmission resulting from contact. The type of PPE used is dependent on the nature of the interactions within the Workplace. Employees of MakeWay are to wear appropriate PPE when interacting with others in the Workplace. Common PPE includes gloves and face protection.


  • Gloves may break, so proper hand hygiene must be performed before putting on gloves.
  • Gloves should be put on immediately before performing the activity for which they are being used.
  • Gloves must be removed and discarded immediately after use; hand hygiene must then alsobe performed.
  • Non-latex gloves must be used if a latex allergy is detected in an employee.
  • Employees who have any open wounds on their hands must wear a bandage over the wound and then gloves over the bandage. 

Face Protection

  • A mask should be used when Health Canada recommends it for airborne communicable diseases.
  • A mask should be put on immediately before the activity for which it is indicated, and hand hygiene is to be performed after removing the mask.

Administrative and Environmental Controls

Administrative and environmental controls include respiratory hygiene, encouragement of employee immunizations, and environmental cleaning and sanitizing.

Respiratory Hygiene

  • MakeWay expects that all employees practise respiratory etiquette and personal practices that help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (either against a sleeve or shoulder or with a tissue)
  • Turn the head away from others when coughing or sneezing
  • Use the nearest waste receptacle to dispose of the tissue after use
  • Perform hand hygiene after having contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects or materials
  • For those with symptoms, stay two metres away from others and wear a mask.

Environmental Cleaning and Sanitizing 

Cleaning is the removal of foreign material (for example, dust, soil, or microorganisms). Cleaning physically removes rather than kills the microorganism, and thorough cleaning is required for any equipment or surface to be disinfected, as organic matter may inactivate a disinfectant.

Disinfection is the process used on inanimate objects and surfaces to kill microorganisms. Cleaning and disinfecting agents may be combined into a single product to save a step in the cleaning and disinfecting process. 

Maintaining a clean and healthy environment is integral to the safety of employees and clients and is a top priority at MakeWay. Environmental cleaning and disinfection is performed routinely and consistently to provide a safe and sanitary environment. MakeWay will follow and distribute a cleaning schedule specific to the Workplace to ensure maintenance of a clean and healthy environment 

3.05 Additional measures will be put in place during times of increased risk, such as local outbreaks, seasonal spikes in infection, or pandemics:

  • MakeWay will follow all regulations and public health orders
  • In order to ensure the safety of employees and comply with Workplace safety regulations, MakeWay may impose additional disease prevention measures beyond those required by public health order
    • Closing Workplaces if risks cannot be managed 
    • Increased ventilation and air filtration 
    • Mask or other PPE mandates
    • Occupancy limits on rooms or entire offices
    • Physical distancing measures
    • Enhanced cleaning and sanitation


4.01 It is the responsibility of senior management (MakeWay Foundation senior management as well as Project Directors) or their delegates to

  • Encourage healthy behaviours of employees through communication channels promoting wellbeing and self-care during cold/flu season
  • Review this policy at minimum annually, but may be amended more often as contagious infections come in season (for example, communicable disease outbreak, influenza, or cough or cold season).
  • Establish paid and unpaid leave policies for their organization or project with the goal of maximize paid sick leave benefits to the extent permitted by the budget. MW does not require employees to provide a doctor’s note for short-term illnesses such as a cold/flu. 
  • Establish cleaning and sanitizing routines for the Workplaces for which they are responsible, in accordance with guidelines from their local health authority
  • Provide supplies and equipment required for the Workplaces for which they are responsible (e.g. handwashing supplies, cleaning and sanitizing supplies, tissues, )
  • Monitor and implement all local Public Health orders
  • Consider recommendations of the Health & Safety Committee and provide sufficient resources to implement those approved

4.02 It is the responsibility of People Engagement and Learning to

  • Ensure this policy is made available to all employees 
  • Provide all employees with general education on infection prevention and control practices. This education will include:
    • The risks associated with communicable diseases;
    • The importance of appropriate immunizations;
    • Hand hygiene; and
    • Appropriate cleaning and disinfection of items.
    • Reporting workplace hazards and
  • Notify employees of any pertinent health notices and their responsibilities in the face of health notices or bulletins. 
  • Ensure supervisors are trained on their responsibilities
  • Maintain confidential health records in accordance with all regulations, if required by law or local Public Health order
  • Coordinate reporting of outbreaks and contact tracing as required by law or local Public Health order

4.03 It is the responsibility of the Health & Safety Committee to

  • Ensure site inspections are conducted as required for each Workplace, including risks on communicable disease
  • Receive reports of hazards from employees and reports of incidents from supervisors and PEL
  • Investigate and report incidents and hazards are required
  • Make recommendations to senior management for the mitigation of hazards and the prevention of incidents, such as
    • Signage and training to communicate hazards and their mitigations
    • Improved engineering, administrative, and PPE
  • Ensure Workplaces are cleaned AND sanitized if an infection person has been there

4.04 It is the responsibility of supervisors to 

  • To the extent possible, provide accommodations to allow team members to remain home when experiencing symptoms of communicable disease
  • Send employees home if they display symptoms of infection disease in the Workplace

4.05 It is the responsibility of all MakeWay employees to

  • Follow this policy in the performance of their duties, including 
    • Staying home when experiencing symptoms 
    • Following basic hygiene practices
    • Always following all health and safety policies and wearing any necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • During public health orders, reporting likely and confirmed cases of infection diseases as required
  • Report hazards in their Workplace to the Healthy & Safety Committee
  • Follow the direction of their health care providers regarding contact tracing and disclosures of disease status