Volunteer Policy

Policy No. (or n/a) 11.01
Volunteer Policy
Review Frequency 3 Years
Approved by
Management Replaces n/a
Effective date
October 5, 2011 Dated n/a

This policy covers MakeWay Foundation and MakeWay Charitable Society, collectively called MakeWay.

MakeWay supports and promotes the use of volunteers as an integral link to the community and as part of our commitment to creating just societies on a healthy planet. It is recognized that volunteers make unique contributions of time, talent and skills. MakeWay recognizes that our volunteers’ contributions are above and beyond supports provided by our paid workers and commits that volunteers will not replace staff, but rather provide complementary support and enhance the services provided by paid workers.


Engaging and terminating the services of volunteers will be at the discretion of the supervisor (generally MakeWay senior management for The Foundation volunteers, or project directors for The Society volunteers), and in accordance with this Volunteer Policy.

MakeWay will:

▷     endeavour to provide meaningful assignments which reflect the skills, interests, expectations and availability of the volunteer and which are consistent with, and positively support, the achievement of specific objectives

▷     select volunteers based on their skills and demonstrated attributes of respect, understanding, empathy, cultural sensitivity and non-judgmental approach

▷     maintain confidential volunteer information in accordance with relevant privacy legislation and MakeWay’s privacy practices

▷     evaluate the effectiveness of its volunteer program, policies and procedures

Volunteers will:

▷     understand and respect MakeWay’s vision and objectives and adhere to the Volunteer Policy, and any other policies and procedures relevant to the assignment

▷     actively perform their agreed upon duties to the best of their ability

▷     direct any questions or concerns to their supervisor in a timely manner

▷     refer any concerns which can not be resolved with their supervisor to MakeWay HR

▷     give appropriate notice to their supervisor when they intend to take time off or end the volunteer relationship

▷     provide a current, satisfactory police reference check if working with children and/or vulnerable adults

▷     recognize that, as volunteers with no paid income, they are not covered under the relevant provincial/territorial workers’ insurance legislation

▷    understand that, while performing their volunteer duties for MakeWay, volunteers are covered for third party property damage, third party liability and bodily injury under MakeWay’s insurance coverage

For longer or more involved engagements (as determined by the supervisor) volunteers will also:

▷     submit a written resume and/ or application

▷     participate in an interview with one or more of a supervisor, manager, director or coworker to ensure that both the volunteer and MakeWay have a chance to outline their respective needs and expected outcomes so that a mutually beneficial placement can be made

▷     understand and adhere to all MakeWay’s Core Organization Policies and any other applicable policies and procedures, and sign a Receipt and Acknowledgement form in respect of the Core Organization Policies

▷     sign a MakeWay Confidentiality Agreement

▷     complete and submit any required documentation in a timely manner (e.g., Receipt and Acknowledgement form, feedback and evaluation forms, training documentation)


A casual volunteer assignment may, at the discretion of the supervisor, be undertaken with  less formality than a longer-term assignment. A casual assignment (e.g., one-time participation in an event), by its nature, does not require any training, may not require reference or police checks, does not present confidentiality issues, and is very short term. Any assignment contemplating repeat or regular engagement with MakeWay requires both the volunteer and the supervisor to follow the more formal process described below.

1. As part of the recruiting and onboarding process, supervisors will:

▷     determine specific responsibilities and required skill sets and interests for volunteer assignments

▷     recruit, interview, select and screen volunteers

▷     obtain reference checks and police checks when required

▷     provide volunteers with a copy of this Volunteer Policy

▷     ensure volunteers are provided with appropriate supervision depending on the needs of the volunteer and their expected tasks and outcomes

▷     orient volunteer to the volunteer’s work-site including a health and safety orientation

            For longer term or more involved engagements, supervisors will also:

▷   provide volunteer with a letter, Consent to Act (for The Society project steering committee members) or similar documentation detailing key objectives, responsibilities, mutual obligations and time commitments which will be acknowledged in writing by the volunteer

▷    orient volunteer to MakeWay including the vision and objectives, policies and procedures (including Core Organization Policies), and other relevant documents and information

▷     obtain signed Receipt and Acknowledgement of Core Organization Policies and signed Confidentiality Agreement

▷     determine if any training is necessary (e.g., additional health and safety, skills, knowledge) and ensure that training is completed

2. Supervisors will provide regular feedback to volunteers on the performance of their  tasks and key objectives. This is especially important for volunteers because of the different motivation behind volunteer efforts in the absence of financial compensation.

3. To demonstrate the value volunteers bring to MakeWay, and to recognize their contributions, supervisors will recognize and thank volunteers in at least one and preferably many of the following ways:

▷     Acknowledge volunteer contributions in department, donor and annual reports

▷     Recognize volunteers in internal updates, newsletters and publications

▷     Write personal notes of thanks with specific mention of the volunteer’s impact and results

▷     Provide informal, face to face acknowledgement of services and positive impact the volunteer is having on the organization – be specific

▷     Award certificates of appreciation

▷     Participate in National Volunteer Week activities https://volunteer.ca/recognition

▷     Highlight volunteer accomplishments at the AGM and/ or Board of Directors meeting

4. Supervisors will maintain a record of the number of hours volunteered by each volunteer.

5. Because volunteers do not earn wages, they do not qualify as workers under provincial/territorial workers’ compensation insurance (e.g., WSBC, WSIB, WCB).    Therefore, while performing their volunteer duties for MakeWay, volunteers are  

6. The volunteer’s immediate supervisor must pre-approve assignment-related expenses,  mileage, training or other costs.  

7. If a volunteer will be using their own personal vehicle to transport individuals as part of their volunteer assignment (e.g., driving youth to a camp), they must submit to their supervisor a copy of their current, valid driver’s licence number, a copy of their certificate of insurance indicating a minimum of one million dollars third party liability, and a Driver’s Abstract/Record including the last two years or more. This requirement does not apply to personal choices such as driving a colleague to or from a meeting.

8. Supervisors will maintain up-to-date files for each volunteer containing pertinent information (e.g., resume, application, police check, signed copy of letter or other document outlining the conditions of the volunteer assignment, evaluations, recognition), and will maintain each file in accordance with relevant privacy legislation and MakeWay’s privacy practices. 

9. When it is time for a volunteer to leave MakeWay, whether by choice of the volunteer or MakeWay, either party will provide the other appropriate notice so that other arrangements can be made. At this time it would be appropriate for the supervisor to provide to the volunteer a letter detailing:

▷     the dates the volunteer was with MakeWay and the hours committed during that time

▷     the key duties, responsibilities and objectives of the volunteer

▷     the main results of the efforts of the volunteer and the impact they had

10. Supervisors will ask departing volunteers to complete the Volunteer Program  Evaluation form so that the volunteer can comment on their overall impression of their  time spent with MakeWay and if there is anything we could be doing differently to recruit, retain and recognize the value and contributions of volunteers.